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Deciding Votes 2019 – Support for Climate Action in the Upcoming Federal Election

Published Oct 8, 2019, 09:02 AM by Rupen Seoni
Environics Analytics’ Rupen Seoni explores the factors that drive voter turnout in our Federal Elections - Second in a Series

Image of Canadian Parliament with Canada flags and Environics Analytics logo
Action on climate change is a critical issue in this federal election. A few questions seem to lie at the heart of the debate:
• How do we trade off some economic prosperity for action on climate change? (or do we need to?)
• How much should Canadians pay?
• Even if Canadians act, do voters believe it would make a difference anyway?

To understand which voters are most likely to be receptive or opposed to climate-friendly initiatives, we’ve done some analysis on segments of the population and their Social Values. Rupen Seoni reports on the results below.

Second in a series.

Download the full report here (opens in a new window)

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