

Understand your customers’ mindset, learn what matters to them most and see how it affects their purchase decisions. Psychographic data will allow you to develop communications and merchandising strategies to engage your customers based on their view of the world. SocialValues is our psychographic database.

  • SocialValues our proprietary database, helps businesses and not-for-profits develop communications and merchandising strategies that speak to their customers’ concerns and worldview, by revealing what matters most to them and how their values affect the purchases they make. Measuring human motivation and social relations, the SocialValues database is based on a nationwide survey conducted by Environics Research covering 54 major trends. This database can help you determine the mindset and motivations of your customers to better reach them and anticipate their needs.

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Reach your best customers, track neighborhood growth patterns and forecast trends with demographic data covering gender, age, education, housing, cultural diversity, occupation, income levels and marital status. We offer two databases based on U.S. Census and American Community Survey data.


Develop more engaging media and marketing strategies by understanding the behaviors, preferences and attitudes of your target market. We partner with leading data and survey providers to produce four databases that offer insights on a range of topics, from media and technology behavior to energy conservation behavior.

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